On 21 October 2022, Igor Vitale International attended and contributed to the annual EVBB international Conference, which for 2022, hosted by AKMI in Athens from the 20th to...
Igor Vitale International and THEM operated the presentation of Green Mystery Guest in Bucharest, Romania in November 2022 during the Course of Psychology promoting the...
Corso GRATIS “Green Mystery Guest” con attestato. Il corso composto di 10 lezioni prevede le sessioni con Igor Vitale ed interviste con alcuni ospiti speciali...
During January 2024, we implemented the Transnational project meeting in Romania. This meeting integrated activities of review of the Checklist and the Massive Open Online...
Igor Vitale International shared the aims and the objectives of Green Mystery Guest to a wide audience in Bologna at the Hotel Royal Carlton. During...
The second transnational project meeting was held in Cordoba, the city of Poderìo Training & Research, and was aimed at planning project activities from the...
Il 18-20 Luglio 2024, Igor Vitale International è stata convocata in Giappone presso la prestigiosa conferenza International Conference on Education and Psychology organizzata dall’Higher Education...
The International Event “Green Mystery Guest” represents the final Congress aimed at disseminating the project resultsto the target groups. The Congress has been held in...