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The concrete objectives that we would like to achieve in the Green Mystery Guest project are:

  1. increase the skills of mystery guests by integrating sustainability aspects in the tourism sector into their assessments
  2. promote greater awareness of the role of sustainability in building corporate social reputation and customer satisfaction in order to promote the green transition in the tourism sector. These objectives will be achieved through a series of activities and project results aimed at promoting the green transition. In particular, during the project, the partners involved will produce the following results:
  3. Sustainability Indicators Checklist for accommodation facilities. A tool that aims to identify the elements to be considered for an assessment of the sustainability elements of accommodation facilities in order to propose an integration of sustainability elements in the quality assessments formulated by mystery guests, but also as an agile internal tool for accommodation facilities and training centers operating in the tourism sector.
  4. A 3-module Online Course that aims to train mystery guests, quality inspectors and in general managers and the workforce operating in the tourism sector to perform internal screenings based on variables related to the sustainability of accommodation facilities and adherence to the checklist of sustainability indicators. The course will be based on a model of competences based on micro-credentials
  5. Recommendations for Policy makers in the tourism sector, ecological transition and education. A strategic document that encourages decision makers and local authorities and policy makers at regional, national and European level to foster the green transition in the tourism sector and for the bodies involved in the evaluation of accommodation facilities.
    The project objectives connect to the priorities indicated as they are directly linked to the encouragement of good practices for the sustainability of accommodation facilities and the development of digital tools for the training of hotel staff. Through the production of the project results we will facilitate accommodation facilities, training centers operating in tourism and tourism operators to adopt internal guidelines for sustainability. Tourism quality inspectors and incognito guests will also have a flexible learning modality based on distance learning, accessible to everyone at any time through the official project website through the Online Course. Furthermore, through the promotion of training tools aimed at developing green skills we will help target groups to meet new market needs that require greater adherence to the principles of environmental sustainability also through the proposal of a micro-credential model

The project results developed during the project will be open and accessible to everyone through the official project website and will have as their main focus some target groups whose specific needs are taken into consideration in order to promote the achievement of the project goals.

  1. Mystery Guests and Quality Inspectors in the tourism sector are primary targets of our project as they operate directly in the evaluation of accommodation facilities and can benefit from the project results to integrate sustainability indicators as one of the central elements of the evaluation of the services offered. Furthermore, incognito guests are able to detect more precisely the adherence to quality standards as they act without the awareness of the employees and observe what happens regardless of the expected internal controls.
  2. Vocational Education and Training Centers, Trainers and Consultants operating in the tourism sector as they can adopt the project results and integrate them into their training courses to promote an increase in the skills of tourism operators in the evaluation of sustainability elements in quality assessment. Trainers working in the tourism sector and training centres can also encourage the adoption of internal reference guidelines to promote their adherence throughout the workforce and managers working in accommodation facilities
  3. Workers and managers in the tourism sector as they are the actors who can directly use skills, knowledge, indicators and adopt guidelines offered as an internal reference in order to promote the ecological transition in their own structure through the agile and flexible use of project results
  4. Policy makers and local, regional, national and European authorities who will be the main target of the Recommendations to policy makers produced to encourage the ecological transition in the tourism sector at all levels and the promotion of the increase of green skills for accommodation facilities

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